February 26, 2020

The fight for a better industry

Transport workers across Australia are united to fight for better, safer jobs. We’re fighting for the same pay for the same job, regardless of what transport company you work for, and to make sure the wealthy companies at the top of the transport supply chain pay their fair share.

Things have got to change. Wealthy companies at the top of supply chains are making big profits by cutting costs in transport. This means jobs are being downgraded. Insecure jobs are on the rise and wage theft is rampant. People are dying on our roads.

We have a plan to turn this around. It involves transport workers from every sector of the industry coming together to fight as one.

Next year, many transport enterprise agreements across the industry will come to an end at the same time. These agreements cover thousands of transport workers at the airports and on the roads.

This gives us a powerful tool to make transport a better industry. It means we can take mass industrial action to demand better, safer jobs. It means we can hold wealthy companies to account for the quality of jobs in their supply chain.

We will unite across sectors to stop the race to the bottom in transport.

Join the TWU today

Transport workers are fighting for a fairer, safer industry. Join them today and secure your future.

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