April 5, 2017

Aerocare Attempts Cover-Up On Working Conditions

The Transport Workers’ Union called on Aerocare to publish “surveillance footage and digital records” which the company insists show that no bedding area existed at Sydney Airport prior to media reports on it two weeks ago. As soon as the media reports went out the bedding was then removed. Photos showing the bedding area before and after media reported on it can be viewed here: http://bit.ly/AerocareTruth


“Airport employees are hard-working and they deserve better than this. The public were able to see in the media with their own eyes video footage and testimony from staff about appalling conditions, split shifts and low pay. Instead of investigating this and the impact on safety at our airports, Aerocare has decided to try to cover it up,” said TWU National Secretary Tony Sheldon.


Aerocare in its statement also misrepresents employees seeking a better EBA. These employees and their TWU representatives have not demanded that split shifts are made optional – they want them abolished and replaced with industry standards of proper minimum hours and income.


Staff at Aerocare have among the worst conditions in the aviation ground-handling industry. The company’s agreement allows for split shifts, which are specifically excluded under the award. The shifts mean staff can spend 14 hours and more per day at the airport while they are paid for just six or seven hours. Employees are guaranteed just 60 hours a month, with no weekly guarantee. Aerocare employees are paid reduced penalty rates at weekends, for night work and over-time.

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