Have your voice heard – complete this survey and let us know how the Australian-Chinese food delivery industry is treating you! This survey is conducted by the Transport Workers’ Union (TWU), a non-governmental body which fights for the interests of workers. All information collected is confidential and not shared with anyone outside the TWU. The TWU is formed by workers and exists only to serve the interests of workers.
你认为在工作中有被公平对待吗?或者你有一些想反映的问题?让你的声音被听见:完成这份调查,让我们更了解澳大利亚华人送餐行业! 这份调查由澳大利亚运输工人工会TWU主导。TWU是为工人利益奋斗的非政府组织。所有的个人信息都将被保密。TWU由劳动者所构成,为劳动者服务。
你認為在勞動過程中有被公平對待嗎?或者你有一些想反映的問題?讓你的聲音被聽見:完成這份調查,讓我們更瞭解澳洲華人送餐行業! 這份調查由澳洲運輸工人工會TWU主導。TWU為保障勞動權利的非政府組織。所有的個人資訊都將被保密。TWU由勞動者所組成,為勞動者服務。
Transport workers are fighting for a fairer, safer industry. Join them today and secure your future.