June 6, 2022

Fighting for safe and secure ground jobs in aviation

Over the last two years aviation workers have taken a massive hit, facing long stand-downs and uncertainty. We saw the near-collapse of Virgin and Qantas illegally sourcing over 2000 ground workers.


Now it’s time to rebuild.

Across the country, we’re fighting for better for ground workers, from Menzies to QGS to Dnata:


  • Giving more casual workers the opportunity to have permanent, secure jobs
  • Guarantees that the company will consult with workers when it’s considering big changes
  • 1-2 year agreements that allow us to keep fighting for better once aviation begins to recover
  • Fair pay and super increases that ensure workers don’t fall behind


Member-led negotiating teams are working hard across these companies to fight for a fair deal as aviation recovers. We know that aviation relies on skilled and loyal workers, and as a collective we have the power to achieve huge improvements to pay and conditions, and keep aviation a strong industry.


We also know that across aviation, from pilots to cabin crew to fleet presentation, workers face similar issues. While we continue bargaining for better in ground, we know that we need a Safe and Secure Skies Commission to safeguard the industry and bring up standards for all workers.


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