September 9, 2022


The TWU has slammed the pay increases handed to Qantas CEO Alan Joyce and other executives including Andrew David who was found by the Federal Court to have made the illegal decision to outsource ground operations jobs.

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce’s base salary increased 15% to $2.27 million, while overall remuneration for the top five executives was reported to total $14 million, a jump of almost $2 million from last year.

TWU National Secretary Michael Kaine said:

“The combined base salaries of Alan Joyce and his hand-picked operational CEO Andrew David who made the decision to illegally sack 2000 workers was almost $4 million in a year that saw passengers suffer absolute chaos as a result of the outsourcing.

“Joyce has set himself up for a windfall retirement next year, but his destructive, deliberate actions since he took over as CEO exposed this week on Four Corners show that he does not deserve to stay another day at Qantas. His strategy to gut the airline of its essential workforce, drive down pay and conditions to the bottom of the barrel, and leave passengers stranded by grounding flights to show his workers who’s boss has crucified the spirit of Australia and left us with a decimated airline.

“Serious safety and security incidents revealed this week are a horror show. The last two years have seen illegal sackings, attempts to slash cabin crew wages in half, and bonus bribes to silence and coerce workers into accepting wage freezes, meanwhile Alan Joyce has had pay increases two years on the trot – this time around at 15% to his base salary.

“We cannot sustain this. We need the Federal Government to urgently establish a Safe and Secure Skies Commission to reverse the trend of executives lining their own pockets while destroying our aviation industry and its workforce.”

Andrew David, who, along with Alan Joyce is a member of the all-powerful internal Qantas Group Management Committee, was installed as Qantas International and Domestic CEO – functions previously covered by Joyce – just weeks before the illegal decision was made.

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