The global fight for transport workers

We believe solidarity crosses borders.

We’ve joined comrades around the world to take up fights in trucking, warehousing, aviation and the gig economy. Through our affiliation with the International Transport Federation, we join over 20 million transport workers in a collective fight for fairness in transport. National Secretary Michael Kaine was recently elected the ITF Asia Pacific Road Section Committee Chair. Former National Secretary Tony Sheldon has been Chair of the Road Transport Section of the ITF for five years, which has seen him take the fight for Safe Rates across the globe. Safe Rates are now being fought for and won in every continent.

A key focus for the ITF and affiliates in 2019 is attacking the ‘Uberisation’ of work, a campaign which echoes the TWU’s fight for transport workers in the on-demand economy.

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Transport workers are fighting for a fairer, safer industry. Join them today and secure your future.

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