July 15, 2024

Safe and Secure Skies

Well done on having your say and helping shape the future of the aviation industry.

Share the survey with your colleagues: twuaus.com/SafeSkiesSurvey

We’re collecting evidence to make the case for a fairer industry.

We have a plan to create a better aviation industry.

Workers right across Australia’s airports are coming together to campaign for an aviation industry that serves workers and the community, not greedy executives.

That’s why we’re campaigning for a Safe and Secure Skies Commission to bring airports and airlines into line, and put workers first.

Join us.

The TWU represents aviation workers across the airport, with some huge wins recently:

  • Defeated Qantas in the Federal Court, Full Court of Appeal and High Court over the illegal outsourcing of 1700 workers
  • Were instrumental in getting Virgin Australia back in the air after administration
  • Strong improvements to work-life balance, job security and pay increases up to 20% through enterprise bargaining
  • Won a first-ever prosecution for discrimination against a health and safety representative at Qantas, with compensation and a criminal conviction

We’re stronger together. Join now to unite with aviation workers across the country as we campaign for safer, fairer and more secure jobs.

Join the TWU today

Transport workers are fighting for a fairer, safer industry. Join them today and secure your future.

Join Today