February 26, 2020

Jetstar strike action

Jetstar workers have been left no choice but to strike as the company tries to force them onto a shoddy agreement even worse than the agreement they’re on now. While Jetstar makes $4 billion in revenue, workers are forced onto part-time, insecure work leaving some struggling on as low as $429 a week.

After eight months, Jetstar is still refusing workers’ reasonable claims such as more hours, stable rosters, and job security for employees rather than bringing in untrained, exploited labour hire.

Jetstar is also trying to cut workers’ current conditions to allow the company to demote them without consultation, make it more difficult for workers to take personal leave and reduce redundancy payments.

At the same time, Jetstar has yet to comply with notices from SafeWork NSW related to dangerous understaffing and broken equipment. Workers are at risk of “serious injury” from being “crushed” and “ingested” by aircraft, one notice said.

Send a message of support to Jetstar workers using the form on this page or share a solidarity photo on social media using #JetstarSolidarity

Unfortunately these workplace issues are not limited to Jetstar, with workers across the whole aviation industry struggling on low pay, minimal hours and insecure work. That’s why workers are coming together across sectors and companies to hold airports to account for labour standards and conditions in aviation. Click here to read more about the campaign for Safe & Secure Skies.


Updates for Jetstar workers

Congratulations to Jetstar workers for standing strong and united in the fight against underemployment, insecure work and bullying tactics. Your TWU is behind you every step of the way.

Top 3 reasons to VOTE NO flyer

VOTE NO: information flyer

Our key claims: information flyer

The claim on airports

Many of the concerns raised by Jetstar workers are consistent with those experienced by airport workers right across Australia, no matter the company they work for.

Airports sit at the top of aviation supply chains and exercise a great deal of direct and indirect influence and control over the entire industry. They have an obligation to ensure decent labour standards and conditions. That’s why workers around Australia are standing together and fighting for fair standards for all aviation workers. This means:

Safe Supply Chains

  • Airport corporations are responsible for this crisis and must act to stop the race to the bottom in the aviation industry

Same Job Same Pay

  • All aviation workers who do the same job should receive the same pay and conditions
  • Tendering for work and airport contracts should not undermine aviation workers’ wages and conditions
  • The race to the bottom must stop

Secure Jobs 

All aviation workers should have access to:

  • Regular hours
  • Permanent jobs
  • Maximum opportunity to full-time jobs

Safe Jobs

All aviation workers should:

  • Be represented by democratically elected Health & Safety Representatives
  • Receive proper training in order to ensure they can safely perform their duties and return home from work each day injury free
  • Have a collective voice and be treated with respect

Find out more about how aviation workers are coming together to fight for safety and fairness at airports and in the skies:

Click here for the media coverage of the second Jetstar workers strike on December 19.

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Transport workers are fighting for a fairer, safer industry. Join them today and secure your future.

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