May 9, 2019

Third world conditions exposed at Australian airports

Aerocare/Swissport is driving the race to the bottom in aviation with substandard agreements including below award rates and forced split shifts.


In 2017 the TWU exposed on ABC’s 7.30 the horrendous conditions workers at Aerocare endure on a daily basis – insecure, casual work, which involves early morning and late evening split shifts. The pay and hours so bad that workers were forced to sleep beside baggage carousels, spending many unpaid hours at the airport between shifts. Many of these workers live below the poverty line.

Since these reports, international aviation company Swissport Bought Aerocare. However, workers are yet to see improvements to their pay and conditions.

The TWU is fighting Aerocare/Swissport in the Federal Court over their substandard agreements, which they continue to put to vote despite having conditions below the Award. In 2019 Aerocare/Swissport suffered a blow when the Federal Court ruled against allowing forced split shifts.

Aviation workers are serving claims on airports, holding them to account to the treatment of workers by the companies they enter into contracts with.

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