June 28, 2019

Aerocare workplace conditions and safety breaches

Split shifts and understaffing mean safety is constantly being compromised at Aerocare. The company denies this but here is the evidence:

Footage obtained by the Transport Workers’ Union showing bedding at Sydney International Airport used by staff on split shifts.


Photo: bedding area at Sydney International airport used by Aerocare staff on split shifts


Photo: Split shifts impact on safety at the airport as chronic fatigue combines with understaffing. Injury records for Sydney International Airport show 132 injuries in just over one year out of a staff of 324


Photo: An Aerocare worker stands on bollards to direct a plane

Photo: An Aerocare worker stands on a tug to clean a plane


Photo: An Aerocare vehicle used to tow aircraft was used at Canberra airport for several days with a smashed windscreen

Photo: An Aerocare vehicle used to tow aircraft was used at Canberra airport for several days with a smashed windscreen

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