May 4, 2020

Dnata workers contact key Senators now

A loophole to the JobKeeper scheme is putting thousands of aviation jobs in jeopardy. Companies like Dnata, who are owned by foreign governments, are being excluded from the scheme, which was designed to support workers and maintain their relationship with their employer.

Politicians need to hear from aviation workers.

If you’re in NSW, contact Mark Latham:

Mark Latham (02) 9230 3682


All other states contact these Queensland One Nation candidates:

Nik Aai Reddy 

Sharon Bell 0458 195 874

Kevin Jorgensen 1300 857 466

Graeme Campbell 0434 041 403

Michael Blaxland 

Damian Huxham 

Wade Rothery

Deb Lawson or call 04802 452 55.

Glen Cookson or call 1300 857 466.

Torin O’Brien or call 1300 857 466.

Ross Konowalenko or call 1300 857 466.

Rosemary Moulden

Paul Henselin

Stephen (Steve) Andrew MP  (07) 4806 0700

Sharon Lohse or call 417907861.

Christine Keys or call 1300 857 466.

Corey West or call 1300 857 466.

Karen Haddock


 Please continue to contact the following key politicians:

Pauline Hanson(07) 3221
Malcolm Roberts(07) 3221
Gerard Rennick(07) 3252
Matt Canavan(07) 4927
Trevor Evans(07) 3862 4044


Tell us how this is affecting you and your family

Take our survey


Share a pic or video on social media

Film a quick (less than 2 mins) message and post it to social media using #Dnataworkers #NoWorkerLeftBehind. Don’t forget to tag @ScottMorrisonMP and your local MP. If you don’t have social media you can send your video to Here’s a suggested script:

My name is [first name],

I have worked at Dnata for _____.

It has now been ____ (days/weeks/months) that I have not been earning because of the near-shutdown of aviation operations.

I was relying on the JobKeeper payment for [say something about what the payment would have helped with: paying bills, mortgage/rent, kids, hobbies].

We need the government to include Dnata in JobKeeper payments so that we can keep our jobs and maintain a secure aviation industry for when this crisis is over.

*A few tips for filming: hold the phone landscape and make sure there is no background noise or distracting action happening behind you.

Politicians need to hear from you

Contact these key politicians and ask them to vote up the motion to include Dnata workers in JobKeeper payments:

Here’s an example script, or you can use your own words:

My name is [first name], and I am a Dnata [catering/ground] worker. I want to leave a message for ______.

I have worked at Dnata for _____years, doing _____

Since the Federal Government’s shut down of almost all aviation operations over the last couple of months, my company has had no choice but to stand us down. They did so under the understanding that they could collect JobKeeper payments for us, and so we didn’t join the Centrelink queues.

Now I’m told to join Centrelink queues, knowing that my job and thousands of my coworkers’ jobs are in jeopardy because of a loophole excluding Dnata from the scheme.

My Dnata job [say something about what your job means to you and your family, e.g what you enjoy, kids, hobbies, what you’re saving for].

Without this job, I _____(example of financial or other stress, impact of retraining or needing a different job).

I urge you, Senator, to ensure I’m not put in this position. JobKeeper payments are designed to help workers keep their jobs and their relationship with their employer.

Please help me keep mine.

Here’s a template email/letter for your local MP – please add your own words if you feel comfortable:


I am writing after the devastating decision by the Morrison Government to no longer provide JobKeeper payments to workers at foreign government owned companies, like my employer Dnata.

Dnata directly employs 5,515 people in Australia in aviation catering and ground and ramp work. My colleagues and I work and live in electorates right across Australia.

In the last 6 weeks we have faced devastating uncertainty about our jobs and our industry. We have been stripped of shifts, then stood down, we have been told to apply for JobSeeker, then told we would be able to access JobKeeper, then after this most recent change told to once again go and join the Centrelink queues. Many of us have not been paid for extended periods of time because of the conflicting government advice.

We have families, we have people that depend on us. We cannot pay our mortgages, our rent, our bills.

We urge you to do all you can to overturn this unfair decision. JobKeeper was supposed to apply to all workers to help keep us employed and help us pay our bills. Instead, the actions of the Morrison government are ripping apart Australia’s aviation industry. The Australian people need a national plan for aviation that includes two secure airlines and ensures aviation companies like ours will be ready to fly when aviation resumes.

Support aviation workers and support our aviation industry before it is too late.

You can also contact your local MP: find their contact details here

Click here for our letter to the Treasurer.

Click here for our letters to Dnata.

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