March 9, 2023

Scott's collapse: support and info for workers

The Scott’s Refrigerated Logistics shutdown is terrible news to more than 1500 workers who proudly kept the population supplied with crucial products.

This is a horrific consequence of the crisis in transport, caused by wealthy clients squeezing contracts and pushing a race to the bottom in supply chains, leaving operators with razor-thin margins and putting deadly pressures on workers.

We are actively campaigning to bring wealthy retailers, manufacturers and agricultural companies to the table to work with us on safer, fairer and more sustainable supply chains. To support those doing the right thing, and stop others doing the wrong thing, we need the Federal Parliament to urgently pass reform to set enforceable standards.

Right now, workers must be prioritised – your union is here to fight with you to maximise redeployment opportunities to good, secure jobs.

If you’re a Scott’s worker:

  • Sign up for updates and redeployment opportunities – Fill in the form seen above on this page as your union gathers information and works with operators to get you into good, secure jobs.
  • Join the TWU – We are all in this together and will fight collectively to lift the transport industry standards. We’re also providing support to members with the government’s Fair Entitlement’s Guarantee scheme Click here to join now!
  • Seek help – We know this news will cause a lot of uncertainty and stress for many drivers around the country. If you need additional support, you can contact lifeline crisis support on 13 11 14 or at

Transport Reform Now!

This awful experience shows why transport reform is critical to stop more transport operators from collapsing. Retailers are reporting enormous profits while cutting costs in transport, causing a strain on operators to survive and pressure on workers to work longer, faster and harder to make ends meet.

The Federal Government has committed to setting enforceable standards in transport. This reform would hold wealthy retailers and manufacturers to account for fair, safe and sustainable supply chains.

Pledge to take action to support these new laws – Click here to sign up for action 


Join the TWU today

Transport workers are fighting for a fairer, safer industry. Join them today and secure your future.

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