March 5, 2025

Cyclone Alfred – info for TWU members

Tropical Cyclone Alfred is forecast to make landfall later this week, likely to impact Queensland and northern NSW and bring destructive winds and potentially serious flooding.

Here’s some important info.

Employee Safety

In cases of extreme weather, employees need to assess if they can safely get to work and then get home again safely due to rising water and roads being cut off.

If members can’t get to work or you are concerned that you will not be able to get home safely based on reliable weather forecasts or your professional judgement, you need to notify your employer as soon as reasonably practicable.

Unless you have Disaster Leave then you will need to access some form of paid leave. Some employers may also utilise paid stand down at their discretion.

If members commence work but cannot continue to work due to roads being cut off or it being unsafe to continue driving or working, they need to tell the employer and take the vehicle back to the depot or if that is not safe, arrange with the employer about where the vehicle should be left or taken to that can be managed safely.

This is protected under law, in s84 of the Workplace Health and Safety Act.

Stand Down

S524 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) allows for the employer to stand employees down for c) a stoppage of work for any cause for which the employer cannot reasonably be held responsible. If members are stood down, this is without pay, and members should be able to access their paid leave entitlements e.g. annual leave or ADO’s etc. If any employer is refusing to allow you to access this, please get in contact with your TWU delegate or organiser.

Members without paid leave accruals that are employed under an award have access to annual leave in advance if required.

Road Transport (Long Distance Operations) Award 2020
For members employed as Long Distance Drivers the Road Transport (Long Distance Operations) Award 2020 provides for a maximum of 8 hours in any 24-hour period to be paid at minimum rates if drivers are delayed due to impassable highways:

• Clause 15 Delays, breakdown or impassable highways

An employee must be paid for all time up to a maximum of 8 hours in any period of 24 hours at the rate prescribed by clause 16.1 where a long distance operation is delayed because of breakdowns or impassable highways. Provided that the employee must take all reasonable steps to minimise the period of delay.

For any specific concerns or further questions, please contact your TWU organiser.

Please stay safe and vigilant during this time, and remember that the wellbeing of you and your family always comes first.

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