July 20, 2022

How you can support transport reform

The urgent case for transport reform

In 2021, a Senate Inquiry into Road Transport made 10 recommendations to make road transport safer and fairer, including urgent reform in trucking to protect workers, businesses and road users.

These recommendations provide a blueprint to save trucking jobs, businesses and lives. 

First and foremost, Federal Parliament is being asked to pass reform to allow the Fair Work Commission to set fair, safe and viable standards for the transport industry.

The transport industry is asking Federal Parliament to pass this reform into law to end the crisis in transport and the slaughter on our roads.

Read the Without Trucks, Australia Stops report to see the full recommendations.

Show your support for transport workers and operators

  • Use the hashtag #TransportReform or #FairerSaferTransport on social media to share your support for a safer and fairer road transport industry

  • Download one of these solidarity signs to post to social media

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  • Post a video to to your social media channels in support of urgent transport reform to save lives on our roads

Looking for more info?

  • This 2021 survey revealed horrific pressures on drivers to drive fatigued, skip rest breaks, delay vital truck maintenance and speed
  • This expose by ABC on Amazon Flex reveals the precarious work practices, low rates of pay and lack of workplace rights or entitlements at the company

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Transport workers are fighting for a fairer, safer industry. Join them today and secure your future.

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