October 21, 2021


StarTrack workers nationwide walked off the job for 24-hours at midnight after the company refused multiple meeting requests from workers to settle a new agreement.

Workers are fighting for a reasonable agreement which locks in job security protections and offers recognition for helping net the company record profits during the pandemic.

StarTrack remains an industry outlier, after workers at six other major transport companies – including Toll, Global Express and Linfox – recently settled industrial disputes after being presented with fair offers.

Speaking at a press conference this morning, TWU National Secretary Michael Kaine said:

“Why is it that StarTrack has walked away from negotiations? In the last two weeks, we have had six major transport operators around the country all sign off on good arrangements with transport workers; arrangements that lock in job security, and financial security for the coming years. StarTrack is an industry outlier.

StarTrack workers are striking because they want their job security locked in. There’s been a recent history in StarTrack for work being pushed out to cheaper, contracted labour. That’s a direct threat to these workers and their financial security.

StarTrack workers have been some of the heroes of the pandemic. These workers were running the virus gauntlet long before there was a vaccine in sight. They’ve done their part for the community.

We hope StarTrack’s decision to walk away from negotiations is not ideological. We hope it wasn’t motivated by the unwelcome comments from the Minister for Communications last week who called workers trying to get a better outcome for their families “union thugs”. They are’t thugs: they’re family members, community members and pandemic heroes.

Transport is in crisis because the Federal Government has been missing in action and won’t deal with the Amazon Effect which is pulling down standards around the country.

These workers have had to take the difficult decision to withdraw their labour, but they have had to do it to bring StarTrack back to the table. These workers are ready to get a good, fair deal”.

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