September 3, 2018

TWU Case Against Foodora Continues Next Week

“We have no intention of letting Foodora off the hook over ripping off its riders and exploiting them. This is a company which knowingly refused its riders the rights and protections they deserve, forcing them to work shifts with no guaranteed pay, and sometimes even for no pay at all. It denied them minimum rates, superannuation, annual leave, sick leave and refused to pay them compensation when they were injured on the job. When riders stood up and challenged Foodora the company decided to avoid its responsibilities and leave Australia altogether. We will not stand by and allow them to do this,” said TWU National Secretary Michael Kaine.

“The inaction of the Federal Government is startling. The evidence has been presented that riders and taxpayers are being taken advantage of while Foodora has chosen to use underhanded tactics to avoid paying what it owes. The Federal Government has refused to act on behalf of Foodora workers and Australian taxpayers. It is riders along with the TWU which are standing up to this shoddy company,” Kaine added.

The September hearings in the Fair Work Commission are a resumption of the case which began in July, involving Foodora rider Josh Klooger who was sacked in March.

Last week in a creditors meeting, Foodora faced claims by riders, the ATO and Revenue NSW over unpaid wages, superannuation and taxes.

Riders have been demanding rights and protections during recent rallies in Sydney and Melbourne.

A survey of riders found:

  • Three out of four riders are paid below minimum rates
  • Almost 50% of riders had either been injured on the job or knew someone who had
  • Over 70% of riders said they should get entitlements such as sick leave.
  • 1 in 4 riders (26%) work full time hours (40+ hours per week)
  • 3 in 4 (76%) riders work 20 or more hours per week.
  • Over 26% work more than 40 hours a week
  • The average age is just under 26 years

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