May 20, 2019


The annual meeting of TWU leadership among elected rank-and-file members and officials recognized the 30-year service Sheldon has given to the union as a member, organizer, NSW branch secretary and national secretary.


“Tony has been an unfailing ally of transport workers for decades. He has worked tirelessly to force through change which has made a huge difference to the lives of working families. This includes helping ensure airport workers have a voice, that owner drivers in NSW have legislation protecting their right to fair pay and that a new generation of workers in the gig economy are given the tools to stand up to companies exploiting them,” said TWU National Secretary Michael Kaine at National Council in Cairns.


TWU National President John Berger, elected today, added: “Our union is indebted to Tony for his years of hard work which has made a material difference to the lives of thousands of workers across Australia. We will miss him but we know he will continue to serve the country’s working families through his work in the Senate.”


Sheldon said: “I am delighted at my election to the Senate and look forward to going to Canberra to hold the Government to account for the destruction it has created in the lives of people right across Australia. It is with sadness that I will leave the TWU but it is a united, strong union which has major plans on how to continue reforming transport for the better. This vision will serve the entire country well,” he said.


Last August, Kaine became National Secretary while Nick McIntosh became Assistant National Secretary.


Sheldon on Thursday will receive the TWU Award for his decades-long contribution to the union. He will continue his work in the union as TWU co-ordinator on the gig economy until he assumes his role in the Senate.


The TWU National Council will continue until Thursday. Attendees will include TWU members and delegates, Senators Glenn Sterle, Alex Gallacher, and Deb O’Neill, ALP President Wayne Swan, Queensland Minister for State Development and Infrastructure Cameron Dick, Health Services Union Secretary Gerard Hayes, United Services Union General Secretary Graeme Kelly, ACTU Assistant Secretary Scott Connolly, Australian Workers’ Union Assistant National Secretary Misha Zelinsky and ALP NSW General Secretary Kaila Murnain. Senior representatives from Coles and Woolworths will also be in attendance to hold discussions on safe transport supply chains.

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