April 1, 2016

TWU Slams Government And Employers’ Group Over Last-Ditch Effort To Stop Safe Rates Orde

Both parties sought an injunction this evening in the federal court after a decision by the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal today to proceed with setting safe minimum rates from April 4th.


The Tribunal heard evidence and held consultations for two years on an application for safe rates before handing its Order down last December. During that time employers’ groups refused to engage in addressing the crisis in the trucking industry.


“For two years these parties had a chance to respond and engage constructively in this process and they refused. Now an eleventh hour injunction is being sought. By doing this both parties are doing the transport industry and the taxpayers of this country a gross disservice,” said TWU National Secretary Tony Sheldon.


“Since the final Order has come out employers’ groups have run a scare campaign frightening people and putting out blatantly false information. This Order has the power to hold major retailers and manufacturers at the top of the transport supply chain to account over low cost contracts. Representatives of the transport industry should be supporting it on behalf of its members,” he added.


“In March alone 25 people were killed in truck crashes. Bankruptcies among transport operators are among the highest in the country. Suicide among truck drivers is also rampant. It is time to fix the problems in our industry. This Order will begin that process,” Sheldon added.

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