November 12, 2024


The TWU has welcomed today’s announcement from the Federal Government that it will extend $80 million of support to Rex as well as ensure early access to entitlements for redundant workers who have been stuck in limbo during the administration process.

The TWU is calling on the Federal Government to follow up the announcement with a stake in the airline to guarantee critical regional routes and protect jobs.

A YouGov poll from October shows more than seven in ten Australians (71%) support the Federal Government intervening to ensure Rex continues servicing critical regional routes.

TWU National Assistant Secretary Emily McMillan said:

“This is a positive announcement for the redundant workers whose entitlements have been in limbo, as well as for regional Australia’s business, tourism, healthcare and community services. The efforts of the Federal Government to deliver these entitlements for workers, who’ve waited months for answers, will be a huge relief heading into Christmas.

“In October polling showed there is overwhelming support in Australia for the Federal Government to intervene and keep Rex flying. There are hundreds of jobs still on the line and there is a clear mandate here for the government to step in and safeguard critical aviation routes and protect those jobs by taking a stake in the airline.

“We need to see this intervention followed up by a long-term solution for regional travel. The insatiable profit focus of privatised airlines and airports is failing regional Australia and aviation workers. A Safe and Secure Skies Commission would ensure stability for the industry and give certainty to workers, businesses and regional communities.”

74% of respondents to the YouGov poll support creation of a new independent commission to set standards for jobs and services in aviation.

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