April 2, 2020

Workers achieve first-ever government wage subsidy

Congratulations to all members, delegates and activists that achieved a government backflip on a wage subsidy the Prime Minister previously said would never happen, and then an extension to the scheme to March 2021. The scheme has been a lifeline to thousands of transport workers and employers. However, there is much still to fight for, with slashed payment rates beyond September and many workers unfairly left behind.

In an appalling last-minute move, the government excluded thousands of Dnata, Cabin Services Australia and SNP workers from the wage subsidy. We’re fighting hard to ensure those workers are included. Click here for more information.



Do you have further questions?

Senator Glenn Sterle, Shadow Assistant Minister for Road Safety, has offered assistance to TWU members with any questions or concerns about the JobKeeper scheme. Click here for more.

A message from National Secretary Michael Kaine, 30 March 2020


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